Monday, November 9, 2009


Someone's mandolin found the lens at the NTGC BBQ last night. Fran took loads of pictures and I've been going over them today and picking some out to post on our group website. There's a lot of good shots. The NTGC are a friendly group all said. We had a few beers, ate some good grilling and played a lot of music. Folk, country, jazz, blues, rock, swing were all represented at one time or another and the night was capped with the classic Happy Trails. It's always a great time on Jam nights and this was a double dose since David and Sandy opened their home and campfire to our group and were excellent hosts. They also have a 'hobby farm'. This added a nice rural touch to the night with the goat and the chickens shuffling around. Oh, and the duck pond was kind cool too. Well, we've set the bar for next year. A special thank you goes out to Judy for making all the arrangements. I hope David and Sandy invite us back!
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